Never before has the family unit been more under attack by the enemy than at the present. Eric Hixon, husband to Rebekah and daddy to his twelve children, has a tremendous God-given burden for families. God has also given Eric a tremendous burden for reaching lost souls. We have seen countless decisions for Christ over the past several years through his work with M.U.D. Ministries. More and more, we are seeing families struggling to live their lives without Christ. M.U.D. Ministries desires that these families live life to the fullest with Jesus Christ centered in their families. The Outdoor Extravaganza has made a huge impact on families and communities across the United States and abroad.
In 2005, Eric was asked to be a part of a national outdoor TV program, Brock Ray’s World of Outdoors, as a Pro Staff Member. Some people think that this is a “dream job”; however, it is more than it seems. Eric does have the opportunity to go and hunt at some tremendous places around the country, but God is using it for far more than some “get away” time. This opportunity has allowed him to reach out to thousands of men across the country with the Gospel. God wants us to use all we have and are to bring glory to Him. What better way to reach out to men and families but through one of their very own hobbies. For many people, hunting and fishing is a god. Our goal is to point these people to Jesus Christ and for them to place their priorities in the proper order.
M.U.D. Ministries’ Outdoor Extravaganza has been called “VBS for Families”. If you have never hosted a family outreach event, this is a great opportunity. We have had hundreds of cards, emails, and letters from both host churches and participants.
“The Outdoor Extravaganza is why I came to visit. I had been out of church for some time, and my wife had been praying for me to get involved. When she told me about the Outdoor Extravaganza, I knew that this was something I would enjoy, so I went. Little did I know that God was seeking me! I was saved, and I am grateful for the church having such an event so that I would come and hear the Gospel.” ~ Alan M.
“My grandson begged me to take him. With his dad in Iraq, I decided I would take him. My grandson was saved, and I rededicated my life to Christ. This has been the best day I think I have ever had.” ~ Dale M.
“God used this weekend to show me I needed to step it up in my own ministry. I’ve started an outreach to bikers now, and I appreciate Eric encouraging me and praying for me.” ~ Billy
“The Outdoor Extravaganza is the greatest outreach to families that I’ve ever hosted.” ~ Pastor David Marshall, Minvale Baptist Church, Fort Payne, AL
“The only problem is that we didn’t host an Outdoor Extravaganza sooner. We have made this an annual event and it is highly effective!” ~ Pastor Bill Barnett, Union Hill Baptist Church, Oneonta, AL
“I can’t imagine where I would be right now if I hadn’t gone to the Outdoor Extravaganza. I came to win a hunt, but I left with salvation that only comes from Christ! Thank you, for not being ashamed!!” ~ Tim D.
The Outdoor Extravaganza is intentionally designed to reach men and their families. M.U.D. Ministries has found a couple of tools to be very effective in getting people to come and be a part of these community-wide events.
The first tool is a professional archery course complete with 3-D targets. We provide the targets and the set up; you provide the location. This draws a tremendous response from the local community. It never ceases to amaze us at who and how many people normally attend this daytime event. From grandparents to children, people love to participate as well as watch this event. Many churches have offered other daytime activities as well; M.U.D. Ministries can give you some suggestions in this area also.
The second tool and most important part of this event is the banquet. Some have called this “a wild game feast on steroids,” and that is pretty accurate. Most churches provide a meal (i.e., BBQ, fish, chicken, etc.) and all the “fixin’s.” Some folks also enjoy providing wild game samplers.
Eric shares an evangelistic message at each Outdoor Extravaganza. God has used these messages in a powerful way. Eric has partnered with well- known celebrities like Brock Ray, Bobby Humphrey, and Rick Burgess. Your Outdoor Extravaganza will be a memorable event, and the Gospel will be presented over and over.
M.U.D. Ministries only books a limited number of Outdoor Extravaganza’s each year due to Eric’s full schedule. Most churches find that combining this weekend with the “All Family Revival” is the most effective use of their time and efforts.